Divertiland Water Park has another operating schedule to reduce its carbon footprint

Divertiland Water Park has another operating schedule to reduce its carbon footprint
Starting with 1st of August, Divertiland Water Park has a new operating schedule:
Monday – Friday: 10:00-18:00
Slide schedule: 11:00-17:30
Saturday – Sunday: 10:00-20:00
Slide schedule: 11:00-18:00

This decision was taken from our desire to reduce as much as possible the carbon footprint emitted by the activity of the water park.
The carbon footprint or CO2 footprint represents the total emissions of greenhouse gases that a company or a person can produce through its activities. They contribute in the long term to the increase in the level of pollution and climate change.

Through this change, we take the first step in reducing the impact on the environment and we will make the necessary efforts to carry out our activity in a much more sustainable way, which leaves a positive mark on the environment and our lives.

Thus, limiting consumption within the park through a shorter program or making free buses available to visitors to reduce the number of cars that come to Divertiland are just some of the actions we are developing for this purpose.

We want to continue on this path in the future and find as many sustainable solutions as possible to make the water park’s resources more efficient, but also to have a much healthier environment.